WEBOMATIC LS 150 Turntable
Turntables for dry and wet products. The turntable is available in two versions: LS 150-T with railing for dry products, LS 150-N with closed railing for wet products.
The finished packaging from the packaging machine can be temporarily stored on this turntable with railing. The table is attached to the outlet side of a thermoformer or tray sealer and picks up the products, which can be conveniently inspected, sorted and/or fed to the final packaging. The spiral railing holds the packages in the centre of the table.
This turntable is specially designed for product pick-up at the end of a shrinking line. It works in the same way as the LS 150-T, but the closed railing prevents water from flowing off uncontrolled.
Tip: The 150-N is particularly suitable for pre-sorting in the cutting area. The cut pieces obtained from the core pieces, such as salmon sides, top shells, bottom shells and fillets can be placed on the turntable and then filled into suitable bags.